Thursday, November 20, 2008


This week we took some time to make donuts. We made both real ones and felt ones. They both look tasty, but only one was soooo good to eat. Actually, good enough to eat and eat and eat. Probably should stick to the felt ones.


est said...

love to eat donuts too! n the felt one are pretty too! :)

Suzy A. said...

What is your recipe for the donuts?

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

I read the title and was afraid to look. Why do I so easily succumb to food? Women around here starve themselves and refuse seconds or sweets... it's obsessive and annoying. Oh... I'm ranting a bit. Sorry.
I would love a dozen of your fresh donuts and another of those darling felt ones... it all looks tasty!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jenn said...

wow you are quite the baker and craft girl!