I finally retrieved these from my broken digital camera. For the party favors for my 5 yr olds birthday back in September we made flannel boards with space pictures. So easy and so cute! For the flannel boards we went to the thrift store and picked up a bunch of old picture frames. We covered an appropriate size piece of cardboard with Space flannel and stuck it in the frame. Voila, you have a flannel board. For the pictures we just found some on-line, colored, laminated and hot-glued felt to the back and voila you have flannel board pieces.
VERY COOL! I'm going to have to do something like this for T!
oooh... love it. Wool felt or the craft kind? Thank you for sharing this great idea.
so cute ... love this :)
Ok, those are simply cute as cake!
D loves his. That was such a great party. Thanks
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